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What items can I ship?

Last modified: 7 December 2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min

MatDespatch accepts many different types of shipments. If you are unsure if your item is acceptable, review our prohibited articles.

  • Alcohols
  • Creature skins / Furs / Any Animal Parts including meat / Ivory and ivory items
  • Articles of excellent worth (eg, masterpieces, obsolescent, valuable stones, gold and silver)
  • Box with Hazardous name – Items sent with a Hazardous name appended will be classed in that capacity. Don’t REUSE OLD HAZARDOUS BOXES
  • Cheques or Tickets that are not named
  • Unsafe products – eg Explosives/Fireworks/Christmas Crackers/Radioactive Materials/Deactivated or Replica Weapons and Munitions/Firearms/Swords/Knives/Ax/Chainsaw/Anything with a cutting edge bigger than 1.5 inches/Weapons
  • Dry Ice
  • Motors/Generators/Gearboxes or any part containing or having contained oil/petrol unless flushed through
  • Unsafe materials eg Paint/Adhesives/Chemicals/Flammable tars/solvents/fluids/Compressed Air & Empty barrels/Items containing any gasses – See Also Household products
  • Human Remains / Body Fluids
  • Fluids / Adhesives / Paint / Oil / Creams / Gels
  • Live / Dead creatures
  • Magnets or things containing Ferro-attractive material
  • Cash, Keys, Negotiable things / Payment cards
  • Travel papers / Birth Certificates / Driving Licences
  • Tobacco and tobacco items
  • Wet or Lithium Batteries (excluding Dry Cell)
  • Composed Prescriptions / Prescribed Drugs / Medication / Any Controlled / Illegal substance
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