How to buy


Search item

Shop stores available to your area by entering your postcode at the top of the page.


Shop items

Browse through the list of categories and products or use the search box to quickly find the items you are looking for. Click on the product to get more info.


Add to basket

After you find your desired item select the quantity and “Add to Basket” if you would like to continue shopping or “Buy Now” if you would like to straight away proceed to checkout.


View your basket

You can view the items that you have added to your basket by clicking on the shopping cart icon.


Proceed to checkout

After you have confirmed the items in your basket, you may click “Proceed to checkout”. If you have a coupon code, you may use it before proceeding to checkout.


Shipping info​

Fill out the shipping information and click “Continue to shipping method”. Your items will be sent to the address you have filled out.


Choose shipping method​

Select the shipping method of your choice and click “Continue to payment method”. Available shipping methods will depend on the product or store.



Complete the payment for your purchase and select the delivery date. Online banking, credit card or debit card (Visa, Mastercard) are accepted.


Order complete

After payment is completed, you can check on your orders in your account. You will be informed of the tracking of your order.

Lets go shopping!